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Writer's pictureNorion Consult

Calls for applications to pilot projects

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

Product Service Systems in the Nordics are initiating step 4 of the project at the beginning of 2023. This entails the exciting activity of facilitating applications and implementation of pilot projects, testing and demonstration of the opportunities of PSS.

What do the pilots entail, and why should you apply?

The pilot projects are small-scale methodological tests conducted to ensure that methods or ideas work in practice. An emphasis in the pilots is placed on the economic, environmental, social, and legal impacts of piloted PSSs. The intent of the pilots is further to generate information of value for the piloting companies and companies alike.

Whether your business already builds on PSS or you are considering implementing a PSS solution, applying for a pilot project could be relevant to you. The pilot projects enable the selected companies to manage the risk of a new idea and identify any deficiencies before substantial resources are committed.

Each company selected for pilots will be supported by one senior consultant of the consortium (supported by junior consultants) in carrying out the project according to the project proposal. The consultancy support will be directly tailored to the company's specific needs and can be performed in the company's native language.

The pilots can include, but are not limited to:

  • Presentation of different PSS models, including pros and cons

  • Market/customer/consumer survey

  • Preparation of business model, for example, with Business Model Canvas

  • Assessment of business model – environmental/economic

  • Setting up the pilot model, including technical aspects and consumer surveys

  • Setting up a monitoring program and continuous collection of information to improve the business model.

Pilots in two phases

Step 4 pilot activities include two phases, whereof an application is needed in both phases.

  • Phase 1 focuses on business model development, including barrier investigation, logistic and organisational set-up, and value chain management. The consultancy support in this phase is up to 25.000-50.000 DKK. The company will have four months to carry out this stage.

  • Phase 2 focuses on the implementation of PSS solutions. In this phase, the selected companies can be supported with an additional 100.000-250.000 DKK in consultancy support. The company will have eight months to pilot-implement and test the solution.

  • Companies participating in Phase 1 will improve their chances of further participating in Phase 2.

The application processes

Calls for applications to Phase 1 pilot projects will be opened on the website today, the 27th of February. Application form for the pilots is already available on the following link:

The application must be prepared in the English language and forwarded, at the latest, by the 16th of April at 12.00 GMT+1.

Applications for pilot projects will be forwarded to Norion Consult, which will perform the evaluation transparently, cooperate with the consortium, and provide recommendations to the NCE Steering Group on selections.

If your company is interested in being a pilot but has further questions, more information is available at You can also contact the consortium at for further information about the project opportunities.

Did you know that… Five fast facts on the project Product Service System in the Nordics

More than 275 PSS solutions in the Nordics have been identified and assessed

The consortium has interviewed more than 40 PSS stakeholders in the Nordics

The analysis of barriers to PSS in the Nordics will be based on more than 400 findings

The step 3 report (coming out soon) will entail recommendations for Nordic policymakers on how to support PSS solutions in the Nordics

An assessment of the environmental, economic, and social impacts of PSS solutions, based on data from consulted PSS providers will be coming out soon

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